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Atlassian tools on-premise, managed hosting, or cloud?

Aug 9, 2018, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (UTC)

Dallas-Fort Worth

Where you install your Atlassian tools and how you manage them will have an impact on your business. Come learn and gain a better understanding of your options and make the right choice.

13 RSVPs

In-person event

About this event

This month, Sebastien will present the differences between the various options. He will review the benefits and draw-backs for each. We will all have an open discussion on why we picked one or the other.

And at the same time, we will enjoy breakfast!


  • Sebastien Jacques

    Technology Leader


  • Jeff Tillett


    Director, Build and Release Engineering

  • Alex Christensen


    Atlassian Suite Engineer

  • Stephen Sifers


    Atlassian User Group Leader / Knight of the R&D Table



Thursday, August 9, 2018
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (UTC)


1:00 PM
Arrival and food
Check in and order some delicious food and drinks!
1:15 PM
Atlassian installation options
Review you options on where to run your Atlassian tools and why?
1:45 PM
Q&A and Discussion
Stick around and network with other Atlassian users!

Community Leaders

  • Brian Jones


    Senior Atlassian Architect

  • Michael Wolfe Jr


    Community Leader

  • Larry Brock


    Sr. Technical Architect

  • Sebastien Jacques

    ACE Leader

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